Thursday, December 25, 2008

Fast Christmas Tree

Here's our Christmas tree as it streaked through the living room. It moves really quickly, just like the holiday season. Just when you realize it's Labor Day, you turn around and another President's Day is in the history books. It's like the earth is revolving faster and faster on it's axis and we're lucky if we can catch Christmas like a brass ring on a carousel. It sure explains my dizziness.

I used the high speed setting
to catch this picture that
almost looks like it's standing still.

I turned on the flash and grabbed this rare glimpse but it scared the tree so badly it spent the next three hours hiding under the dining room table.

I won't do that again...


Jerry said...

In addition to computers and pottery, you might want to consider working a Nat'l Geoprahic photographer.

jbf said...

Just having fun with my point-and-shoot camera. I always like to try different things with it.