Friday, April 24, 2009

2009-04-22 Wednesday Tallest Pot Yet

I finished up my tallest pot to date on Wednesday by throwing a neck and attaching it to the body. It was a tricky process because it was my first one --I hope it gets easier and quicker if I make some others. Thanks to Greg Scott and Leon Nichols for all their advice and Chuck for inspiring me with his great pot.

The only problem right now is that the pot is 26" tall and the electric kilns are 25" tall. It should work out since the pot will shrink a bit as it dries and we can take out the bottom kiln shelf since there is no glaze to drip on it. If not, we can lean it over for the bisque firing. We'll make it work.

The neck is thrown.

The neck is installed.

The culprit at the scene.

Nick and Nat with words of encouragement.


Becky said...

Bravo!!!!! She's a beaut!

Amy said...

Yeah! This will be fun to see when finished too.