Tuesday, February 9, 2016

2016-01-27 - Wednesday - Wingless Moths, Empty Bowls, Decals

When I went out to get the mail on Wednesday I noticed some of the female wingless canker worm moths clinging to the front porch so I started looking around and saw hundreds of them all over the eaves of the house. They are very confused. At least they will not get to the tops of the trees to lay their eggs.

When I wedged up some recycled clay I noticed some phoenix running through the bag. When I trimmed the pots I found that vein still prominent in the clay.

More Empty Bowls, but you knew that. :8^)

For a while Adrienne (our executive director at Clayworks) thought it would be good to have our logo on the wall where the workshops take place. It was installed today and I agree with her that it will stand out in photos from now on. Nicely done.


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