We stayed at the Laurelwood Mountain Inn and had a wonderful log cabin all to ourselves. There was a queen-sized bed in the downstairs bedroom and twin beds in the loft. It had a full (though small) kitchen, a window air conditioner, gas logs for heat, cable television, wi-fi, and us.
We went to Arrowmont in Cullowhee, NC on Friday and Karen and the girls took a two hour horseback ride. I didn't think flip flops were very good for using with stirrups. Their guide's name was Adam and they were lucky to get him since he told them all the local lore from how to age a pine tree to the legend of Judaculla, the seven-fingered, slant-eyed giant who according to Cherokee legend could leap eight miles from mountain peak to mountain peak. Cool stuff and a great day for a ride.
We went to Highlands and did some shopping, ate lunch and way too many sweets. We went to a candy/ice cream shop called Kilwin's and stocked up on fudge. During our visit we noticed they had luscious looking caramel apples, but we didn't buy any. At 10:00 pm that night, Stephanie decided she had to have a caramel apple, so we drove the ten twisty miles back to Highlands and got some. Luckily they were open until 11:00 pm on Saturday. Hey, it's vacation...
By far our best meal was Sunday brunch at Zookeeper Bistro at the Mountain Laurel Inn and Shops (notice the subtle name difference) that was less than a half mile away. It was wonderful and I highly recommend it to anyone who's going to be in the area. It was SO good I forgot to photograph the food, which is not like me.
It was good to get away for a few days.

Looks like y'all had a fantastic time! I haven't had a caramel apple in ages and now I'm craving one!
We did and that apple was great. Nice juicy Granny Smith. I don't know where to get one here. There used to be a Kilwin's in Ballantyne, but Karen said they closed.
So that's where you disappeared to. those really old pots are beautiful. I am inspired!! Caramel apples....hmmmmmmm
I've never been to that part of the world... i'm surprised you came back, maybe cause of the pottery? anyway, maybe you or Becky can fill me in on what I missed in Ron's class on Sat. peace--
Amy, it's always nice to get away and it's always nice to come home.
Check out my other post about the class.
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