I mentioned earlier that I am working on some garden bells, so that's why there are a lot of cylinders with rounded bottoms (that will become the top when I hang them upside down). I hope they sound nice when they're finished. Right now they would just kind of make a splat sound.
I need to trim some of this stuff since I have no more room on my shelf. One of the problems with making 100 pots is figuring out how you are going to store them. Since they are not drying like they do in the summer or winter, the ones from last week are still too soft to finish.
Steady as she goes...
Nice pots there, John! You really ARE gonna make 100 pots aren't you?
If you're there tonight I'll see ya. They may be unloading the gas kiln this evening after class I think?
Looking forward to it.
I'm proud!!! I'm cheering for you.
Stop cheering and get back to making pots (and apple pies). :^)
100- wow! pretty soon there will be a jbftimes pottery sale. :) Let me know if there is. Hope you do sell some of them in the days to come.
Not too good tonight. I had to trim a bunch of them and I broke one because it got too dry before I trimmed it.
Maybe I will have to sell some if anybody actually wants to buy them. We'll see what they look like at the end of the process.
Onward and upward.
You're welcome to store pots on my top shelf - if you don't mind having to stand on something to get up there! Minke.
Thanks, that's very kind of you.
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