Wednesday, February 10, 2016

2016-01-30 - Saturday - John Britt Workshop

Saturday was the first of a two-day workshop at Clayworks with John Britt. I have been looking forward to this workshop since it was announced.

John knows glazes.

He can talk in elemental notation and explain things to everyone, including beginners. He's also quite funny. He approaches glaze formulation with a lot of knowledge and a lot of humor. The combination keeps us non-chemists from getting information overload.

The last time I attended a John Britt workshop it was only a one-day lecture and it was centered on high-fire glazes (cone 10). This time it was based on mid-range firing (cone 6).

You can get both of his glaze books here:

The Complete Guide to High-Fire Glazes, Glazing & Firing at Cone 10

The Complete Guide to Mid-Range Glazes: Glazing and Firing at Cones 4-7

Leading the class.

Some of the almost 3000 test tiles he brought with him.

Discussing options.

Did I mention how many test tiles there were?

Sunset out the back door of Clayworks.


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