Tuesday, November 1, 2016

2016-10-04 - Tuesday - Fungus and artwork

Tuesday I mowed the lawn and found a huge growth of fungus near the fence. It was beautiful and I would love to have some of the texture on my pots.

When I was having lunch I looked at this piece I did in high school that's hanging in the dining room. I did a wet ink wash and used a nib pen and India ink to emphasize what I saw in the shapes. I've always liked it and about thirty years ago a friend matted and framed it for me. I miss doing things like this and having so much imagination.

The whole piece.

Some details.
(By the way, the guy with the sunglasses is Mr. Himmel,
the student teacher who gave us the project.)

Oh yeah, forgot about the kiln during that little side trip. Tonight it was down to 542 F. We'll probably unload it on Thursday because Jeff can't get to Clayworks on Wednesday.


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