I also brought my Gary Rith tea set in to show some folks. Only one person was there tonight, and she really liked it. She's trying to stay anonymous since she doesn't like having her picture taken. I will bring it back tomorrow night since more people will be in the studio since many people want to see it.

Check out Gary's blog here.
Nice tea set. Look at Mrs. Anonymous with the porcelain on her hands.
I like the Barth quote, thoroughly enjoyed the pizza and sub chronicles, and really like the awesome plate that opens your web site slide show.
Goodness, make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, thanks man....
Nobody knows who she is.
Thanks for all your kind words.
Good, after your day yesterday.
If I'm not mistaken that is alittle "Butterfly" drinking out of that cup. I'd know those little hands anywhere.
Hope you all are having a good session. ( Did it start yet?) jen
Her "who hands" were a dead giveaway, weren't they?
Our independent study session ended on Tuesday and the new classes start on September 10.
Come visit!
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