Tuesday, April 13, 2010

2010-04-08 Thursday - Backyard

Thursday I took a quick tour of the backyard to check on the pollen, catkins, peas and lettuce.  Things change so quickly this time of year you have to take a look every day or two.  By June I won't be able to keep up with anything but the tomatoes.  We'll see if I can do better this year.

Pollen drift from the tiny bit of rain we received.

Catkins everywhere, silky dogwoods in the foreground.

The grill cover itself covered with pollen and catkins.

The grill that the cover should be covering.

The peas struggling in the 80 degree weather.

It's a small patch of peas and a row of lettuce in the foreground.

More wild violets in the lawn with the catkins.

A cast iron thing that has been by the fence since we moved here.
The wound on it is where I hit it with the lawn mower last time.
I have no idea what this thing is.  I will post a better picture of it soon.

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