Monday, February 15, 2010

2010-02-13 Saturday - Studio time

I didn't get to the studio until around lunch time on Saturday for three reasons:
  1. I was lazy.
  2. I wanted the bulk of the snow on the roads to melt before I left.
  3. I was lazy.
Once I got there I tried desperately to make up lost time, but to no avail.  I got some more bowls thrown, worked on a couple of casseroles, and worked on my butter dishes.  I still need to slip those tiny pots I made ages ago, glaze a bunch of pieces, and handle some of the bowls.  This has really become like a second job, although a thoroughly enjoyable one.  I constantly over commit myself to what I can achieve in a day, and that's not taking any socializing into consideration.  I wish I could add 8-10 more hours to the day...


 Butter dishes.
(I hope they fit a stick of butter after firing...)

 A pretty good afternoon's work.


Gary's third pottery blog said...

awesome pile of stuff there JBF!

Linda Starr said...

awesome amount of work in my book, the butter dishes look good, I have the hardest time estimating sizes and shrinkages, I know I could figure it out mathmatically but that is the last thing I want to do.

jbf said...


Thanks! The sad thing is I own a shrinkage ruler that I let everyone use and never use it myself. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I've been potting for a while, but have only recently entered into the big wide world of blogging.

Been looking at other people's pottery blogs this evening...seeing what all the other clay lovers are up to. Stumbled across yours and was really happy to see that besides all your great pots, you have also captured the first daffodil of the year. I saw mine last weekend, and was so pleased to see it after all the snow and cold weather that I also thought it worthy of blog space.

Best wishes
