Sunday, January 10, 2016

2016-01-08 - More things that happened

Final catch-up.


Happy New Year! We had lots of great meals at Karen's brother Scott's house. He and Rich really lay out wonderful table.

Family around the table on New Year's Day.


Back in Charlotte and tired from the drive, we got some Chinese takeout. I felt a bit cheated by this fortune.


I've started doing my part of the annual Empty Bowls for Second Harvest Food Bank. We always make 300 bowls at Clayworks for the event so everyone is hard at work.


Our canker worm moth traps are doing their job. Last spring/summer the leaves on our maple trees looked like doilies because the canker worms had ravaged them. The flightless female moths climb the trees to lay their eggs at the top. The banding breaks the cycle by not letting them get to the top. As they only live a day or two in their adult form this is very effective.

Those wingless insects on the plastic are the moths.


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